158 research outputs found

    Proposta de um novo teste clínico para o diagnóstico do ressalto lateral do quadril

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    ResumoO ressalto lateral do quadril é uma entidade nosológica muitas vezes desconhecida pela maioria dos ortopedistas e até mesmo por alguns especialistas em cirurgia do quadril. Trata‐se da presença de um estalido palpável e/ou audível na face lateral do quadril, por vezes doloroso, causado pelo atrito musculotendíneo sobre o grande trocanter durante a flexão e a extensão da articulação coxofemoral. Descreveremos a seguir um novo teste para o diagnóstico do ressalto lateral do quadril, que é eminentemente clínico.AbstractLateral hip snapping is a nosological entity that is often unknown to many orthopedists and even to some hip surgery specialists. It comprises palpable and/or audible snapping on the lateral face of the hip that is sometimes painful, caused by muscle‐tendon friction on the greater trochanter during flexion and extension of the coxofemoral joint. In the following, we describe a new test for diagnosing lateral hip snapping, which is eminently clinical

    Predictors of rescue percutaneous coronary intervention after pharmacoinvasive strategy in women

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    AbstractBackgroundPharmacoinvasive therapy (PIT) is feasible in patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) when timely primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is unavailable. In this study, we compared women who underwent successful reperfusion PIT with those who required rescue PCI, to identify potential predictors of thrombolytic failure.MethodsFrom January 2010 to November 2014, 327 consecutive women with STEMI were referred to a tertiary hospital, 206 after successful thrombolysis (63%) and 121 who required rescue PCI. The groups were compared regarding demographic, clinical and angiographic outcomes, and clinical (TIMI, GRACE, and ZWOLLE CADILLAC) and bleeding (CRUSADE) risk scores. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify predictors of thrombolytic failure.ResultsThere was no significant difference between the demographic characteristics or the medical history of the groups. Rescue PCI group had significantly higher values of the evaluated scores. Clinical hospital complications and mortality (2.5% vs. 22.0%; p < 0.0001) were more frequent in rescue PCI group. The independent variables associated with rescue PCI were pain-to-needle time > 3h (OR: 3.07, 95%CI: 1.64 to 5.75; p < 0.0001), ZWOLLE score (OR: 1.25; 95%CI: 1.14 to 1.37; p = 0.0001) and creatinine clearance (OR: 1.009, 95%CI: 1.0 to 1.02; p = 0.04).ConclusionsWomen with STEMI who underwent PIT and who required rescue PCI had significantly higher mortality compared to those who achieved initial success of PIT with elective PCI. Pain-to-needle time > 3h, ZWOLLE score and creatinine clearance were independent predictors of the need for rescue PCI

    Vírus rábico isolado de morcego frugívoro (Artibeus lituratus), capturado em 1997 no município de Rio Claro, SP

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    Rabies virus was isolated from a frugivorous bat, Artibeus lituratus, captured in downtown Rio Claro, SP, Brazil, in 1997. There was not any animal rabies since 1986, and this is the first isolation of rabies virus in a frugivorous bat in Rio Claro. Implications of Public Health were discussed.O vírus rábico foi isolado de morcego frugívoro Artibeus lituratus, capturado no município de Rio Claro, SP, em bairro residencial, em 1997. Neste município, o último caso de raiva animal ocorreu em 1986, sendo este o primeiro relato do isolamento em morcego frugívoro. As implicações em Saúde Pública foram discutidas

    Rational use of medicines: prescribing indicators at different levels of health care

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    This multicenter study aimed to investigate prescribing patterns of drugs at different levels of health care delivery in university-affiliated outpatient clinics located in eight cities in the South and Midwest of Brazil. All prescriptions collected were analyzed for various items, including WHO prescribing indicators. A total of 2,411 prescriptions were analyzed, and 469 drugs were identified. The number of drugs prescribed per encounter, the frequency of polypharmacy, and the percentage of encounters with at least one injection or antibiotic prescribed were higher in centers providing primary health care services, compared to those where this type of care is not provided. Most drugs (86.1%) were prescribed by generic name. In centers with primary health care services, drug availability was higher, drugs included in the National and Municipal Lists of Essential Medicines were more frequently prescribed, and patients were given more instructions. However, warnings and non-pharmacological measures were less frequently recommended. This study reveals trends in drug prescribing at different levels of health care delivery in university-affiliated outpatient clinics and indicates possible areas for improvement in prescribing practices.Este estudo multicêntrico teve como objetivo investigar o padrão de prescrição de medicamentos para pacientes ambulatoriais atendidos em serviços de saúde vinculados a universidades com diferentes níveis de atenção, em oito cidades do sul e centro-oeste do Brasil. As prescrições coletadas foram submetidas à análise de diversos itens, incluindo os indicadores de prescrição propostos pela OMS. No total, 2.411 prescrições foram analisadas e 469 medicamentos foram identificados. O número de medicamentos prescritos por consulta, a frequência de polifarmácia e a porcentagem de consultas com pelo menos um medicamento injetável ou um antimicrobiano prescrito foram maiores em centros de saúde que ofereciam cuidados de atenção básica, em comparação com aqueles que não dispunham desse tipo de atendimento. A maioria dos medicamentos foi prescrita pelo nome genérico (86,1%). Em unidades com cuidados de atenção básica, a acessibilidade foi maior, a prescrição de medicamentos presentes nas Listas Nacional e Municipais de Medicamentos Essenciais foi mais frequente e instruções foram fornecidas aos pacientes mais comumente. Entretanto, advertências e medidas não farmacológicas foram indicadas com menor frequência. Este estudo revela tendências de prescrição de medicamentos em serviços de saúde ligados a universidades, com diferentes níveis de atenção, e indica possíveis áreas de melhoria na prática da prescrição

    Adherence to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Portuguese-Speaking Countries

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    Funding Information: National Research Council–CNPq. Process: 159908/2019-1. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.Strengthening strategies to improve adherence to the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in key populations constitutes a global health priority to be achieved across countries, especially in countries that share a high flow of people such as Brazil and Portugal. This study aimed to analyze the factors associated with adherence to PrEP among MSM from two Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the opportunities and preventive strategies for the global health scenario. This was a cross-sectional analytical online survey conducted from January 2020 to May 2021 with MSM in Brazil and Portugal. For analysis of the data, the Poisson regression model was used to estimate the prevalence ratio (PR) for developing a model to evaluate the associated factors in both countries in a comparative and isolated way. Adherence to PrEP use corresponded to 19.5% (n = 1682) of the overall sample: 18.3% (n = 970) for Brazil and 21.5% (n = 712) for Portugal. Having more than two sex partners in the last 30 days (aPR: 30.87) and routinely undergoing HIV tests (aPR: 26.21) increased the use of this medication. Being an immigrant (PR: 1.36) and knowing the partner’s serological status (PR: 1.28) increased adherence to PrEP in Portugal, whereas, in Brazil, it was being an immigrant (PR: 0.83) and not knowing the serological status (PR: 2.24) that promoted the use of this medication. Our findings reinforce the need to invest in programs and strategies to improve access and adherence to PrEP, especially in key populations.publishersversionpublishe